An anniversary beckons
TLY wishes the whole world a HAPPY NEW YEAR - overly belated in a sense, and yet perfectly legitimate if one considers the point in time when Aravind first set out on this journey. Starting on a happy note, he believes, will cleanse his mind and allow him to fulfill the duties which he cannot evade. The world wonders, with great interest, why the yogi had disappeared for so many months....for him however, it feels like only yesterday that he had last etched out his thoughts in the virtual world.
Over the last eight months, the yogi's life has changed immeasurably. Writhing in his mind, he attempts to piece together his thoughts in a logical manner, so that none may be missed as he writes the latest chapter of his so-called auto-biography. The yogi was last seen during the auspicious week of Diwali, where he offered his prayers to the gods, in hopes that all the uncertainties in life may be washed into the oblivion. At that particular moment, his anxiety to graduate successfully and get a job was the only feeling nested in his being. Little did he know that as he would go about his daily routine, certain facets of his life would change dramatically. November 2007 was a month in history he would never forget, for it was then that a new character was introduced in his life, so intricately woven into the story as if it were the Rasleela itself. For the 2 months that followed, he hit the highest and lowest peaks in emotion in his life. At the end of it, he learned to love, albeit shortly. Nothing more can be said as the yogi does not see the need to elaborate - an action for which he begs forgiveness.
In the second month of the current year, the yogi achieved his most important goal - a golden start to his professional career. Going through several days of agony and uncertainty, the yogi finally landed the job of his dreams - as an electrical engineer in one of America's biggest firms. Although he had to pass through several interviews and assignments, he would not have been able to emerge victorious if it were not for a miraculous event on the night of his graduation - it was during a gathering that night that he met a complete stranger who was willing to help him in return for nothing but the yogi's eternal gratitude.
Ever since that month of february, Aravind has gained a wealth of knowledge in every aspect of life. His interest in the automobile industry and power electronics has soared. The yogi appreciates the compensation for his hard work, but the opportunity to travel frequently while at work is the most rewarding aspect in his opinion.
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